Saturday, January 26, 2008


So I am now getting the Oakland/Berkeley experience. It is quite interesting. Yesterday, I missed the turn driving back to my friend's house. And on my way back to her neighbor hood, I passed a car that was colorfully painted, and it was being driven rather slowly, probably because of the mannequin legs attached to the roof. Head-on, the legs just looked random, but as the car passed perpendicular to me in my rearview mirror, I could see clearly that they were set in a highly suggestive position. There were heels on one pair, and the guy's legs were, I think, green. Anyway, so that's probably average for around here. Nothing special.

Also, I must generally observe that I have never seen so many clothed canines as I have in the San Francisco/Bay Area. Dog sweaters and jackets are really a big thing out here. Not so much the larger dogs, I guess, but it seems like every other small dog is somehow dressed in one way or another. As if they owners need to shield them from the harsh 40-degree weather or they might die. Which is funny to me, coming from Boston, where you almost never see a dog wearing anything other than a collar on a leash. But it's probably more of a fashion statement than anything else, I am guessing. Because the type of thing you put on your dog shows something about who you are. Or like the little dog my friend and I passed on the street last night, wearing not only a pink jacket, but silver booties on all fours. But it's Berkeley. A little bit like Harvard Square. You see it and you just keep going. Nothing special.

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