Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I emailed a contact for a recreational soccer league in San Francisco recently, which I'd heard about from a friend of mine at work who plays with them. In my initial email, I did not specify my gender. I only said I wanted to play on a co-ed team for the winter. The response was, great, we have a spot on a men's team, they play Wednesdays at such and such a time, and at this particular location.

So I wrote back and said, thank you, but I think I should tell you that I'm female. That got me a different response.

" old are you and what's your experience?"

Now, granted, it may be that there are no spots on any women's or co-ed teams at the moment. That may be indeed. But she didn't say that. She said how old was I and what was my experience - as if whether or not she decided to offer me anything depended on that. But only as a female. As a man, it was like a free ticket. No questions asked. Okay, here you go, you're male, you must be automatically equipped to play soccer.

To be honest, I think my soccer skills are probably pretty dismal at best right at present, but that's only because I haven't played since High School. But that's the whole point. I don't see how I am going to improve my game if I don't actually play.

So anyway, we'll see. It's a little late for the winter season anyway. Maybe I'll be able to sign up in the spring...

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