Friday, June 27, 2008


The smoke was so thick this morning that THE SUN LOOKED LIKE THE MOON. My room is bright and airy with east-facing windows. Normally the sun shines in like the dickens by about 6 a.m. This morning I got up at 7 to a poor little rectangle of pale orange eking through the blinds and struggling to place itself against the wall. You would think it was from a sunset. Or that it was very, very early. But no. I looked out the window and the sun was well on it's way up the sky and was nothing but a pale, reddish disk in a sea of white. It was very odd. And it got worse. After that, the sun just disappeared completely. But it was still bright.

When I went downtown at 2 p.m. to do my errands, I could see bits of white floating here and there through the atmosphere. Definitely not normal. Probably bits of ash.

The weird thing is, that nothing actually smells like it's burning. At least it doesn't to me. Perhaps my nose is weak. But I definitely sense something. There is an odd kind of thickness and my eyes feel strange. I have a low-level headache. But it's not like standing downwind of a campfire. It's more subtle and bizarre. The smoke floats up above while the ground level stays more or less clear. But it is very, very unsettling.

It makes me think, this is a pretty good time to go to France.

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